ATAC Peaks Annotation



The peak annotation file is a tab-separated gzipped file that connects each peak with genes found nearby, or classifies the peak as intergenic. In addition to peak coordinates and gene symbols connected to the peak, those connections are classified as promoter or distal and the distance to the nearest transcription start site for that gene is listed. promoter region is -1000 to +100 base pairs from the nearest transcription start site (TSS). distal region is outside of the promotor region, but within 20,000 base pairs upstream or downstream of the TSS.

This peak annotation is an estimate of peak-to-gene connections and does not suggest that each connection is experimentally verified.

The columns are:

1peakPeak name in form of chrom:start-end
2geneList of gene connected to the peak, separated by ;
3distanceList of distances of each gene's closest TSS to the peak, separated by ;
4peak_typeList of classification of peak relative to the gene, separated by ;
5ChromosomeChromosome where peak is located
6StartStart coordinate of the peak
7EndEnd coordinate of the peak

This information is also preloaded in the H5MU output as unstructured information in muon object.