Output Files

Most output files contain a header summarizing the pipeline run. Headers contain all of the information needed to rerun the pipeline with the same settings.

Outputs for all pipeline runs:

Metrics summary[sample_name]_Metrics_Summary.csvReport containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics
Pipeline report HTML[sample_name]_Pipeline_Report.htmlSummary report containing the results from the sequencing analysis pipeline run
Data tables
(See a. and b. below)
[sample_name]_RSEC_MolsPerCell_MEX.zip [sample_name]_DBEC_MolsPerCell_MEX.zipMolecules per bioproduct per cell, based on RSEC or DBEC
Unfiltered Data table[sample_name]_RSEC_MolsPerCell_Unfiltered_MEX.zipUnfiltered tables containing all cell labels with ≥10 reads
BAM and BAM Index
(if parameter is set)
Alignment file of R2 with associated R1 annotations for Bioproduct
Single-cell analysis tool inputs[sample_name]_Seurat.rds
Seurat (.rds) input file containing RSEC molecules data table and all cell annotation metadata. Scanpy / Muon input file containing RSEC molecules data table and all cell annotation metadata.
Bioproduct Statistics[sample_name]_Bioproduct_Stats.csvMetrics from RSEC and DBEC Unique Molecular Identifier adjustment algorithms on a per-bioproduct basis
Dimensionality Reduction[sample_name]_(assay)_tSNE_coordinates.csv
Dimensionality reduction coordinates per cell index
Immune cell classification[sample_name]_(assay)_cell_type_experimental.csvImmune cell type prediction per cell index

(a) For a multiplexed samples run, theses tables contain counts for putative cells from all samples combined.
(b) DBEC data table is only output if the experiment includes targeted mRNA or AbSeq bioproducts

Outputs when multiplex option selected:

Sample Tags metrics[sample_name]_Sample_Tag_Metrics.csvMetrics from the sample determination algorithm
Sample Tag calls[sample_name]_Sample_Tag_Calls.csvAssigned Sample Tag for each putative cell
Sample Tag folders[sample_name]_Sample_Tag[number].zip [sample_name]_Multiplet_and_Undetermined.zipSeparate data tables and metric summary for cells assigned to each sample tag. Note: For putative cells that could not be assigned a specific Sample Tag, a Multiplet_and_Undetermined.zip file is also output.

Outputs when VDJ option selected:

VDJ metrics[sample_name]_VDJ_Metrics.csvOverall metrics from the VDJ analysis
VDJ per Cell[sample_name]_VDJ_perCell.csv [sample_name]_VDJ_perCell_uncorrected.csvCell specific read and molecule counts, VDJ gene segments, CDR3 sequences, paired chains, and cell type
VDJ Dominant Contigs[sample_name]_VDJ_Dominant_Contigs_AIRR.csvDominant contig for each cell label chain type combination (putative cells only)
VDJ Unfiltered Contigs[sample_name]_VDJ_Unfiltered_Contigs_AIRR.csvAll contigs that were assembled and annotated successfully (all cells)

Outputs for ATAC-Seq:

ATAC Metrics[sample_name]_ATAC_Metrics.csv
Overall metrics from the ATAC-Seq analysis
ATAC Fragments[sample_name]_ATAC_Fragments.bed.gz
Chromosomal location, cell index, and read support for each fragment detected
ATAC Transposase Sites[sample_name]_ATAC_Transposase_Sites.bed.gz
Chromosomal location, cell index, and read support for each transposase site detected
ATAC Peaks[sample_name]_ATAC_Peaks.bed.gz
Peak regions of transposase activity
ATAC Peak Annotation[sample_name]_peak_annotation.tsv.gzEstimated annotation of peak-to-gene connections
ATAC Datatables[sample_name]_ATAC_Cell_by_Peak_MEX.zipPeak regions of transposase activity per cell
ATAC Unfiltered Datatables[sample_name]_ATAC_Cell_by_Peak_Unfiltered_MEX.zipUnfiltered file containing all cell labels with >=1 transposase sites in peaks
ATAC BAM and BAM Index
(if parameter is set)
Alignment file for R1 and R2 with associated I2 annotations for ATAC-Seq

Output when "Cell_Calling_Data: AbSeq" is selected:

Protein Aggregates Experimental[sample_name]_Protein_Aggregates_Experimental.csvPutative cell annotation showing cells suspected of resulting from protein aggregates