ATAC Peaks and Peaks Index



The Peaks file is the bgzipped narrowPeak output from MACS2 detecting peak regions of Tn5 transposase activity. The file is a BED6+4 tabular file that has one line for each peak, sorted by chromosome and position. The columns are

1chromChromosome or scaffold identifier
2chromStartZero-indexed start site of peak region
3chromEndZero-indexed end site of peak region (non-inclusive)
4nameName of the peak
5scoreInteger score for display, calculated as int(-10*log10qvalue)
6strandAlways a "." because these peak regions are not strand-specific
7-Fold-change at peak summit
8--log10pvalue at peak summit
9--log10qvalue at peak summit
10-Summit position relative to peak start

The Fragments Index is the index file generated by tabix for the coordinate-sorted Peaks file.