Sample Tag Metrics

File: [sample_name]_Sample_Tag_Metrics.csv

The Sample Tag metrics file contains statistics on the reads aligned to each Sample Tag and cells called for each sample. For example:

FileDescriptionMajor contributing factors
Sample_TagList of the Sample Tags in the pipeline run
Sample_NameUser-provided sample name
Raw_ReadsNumber of reads aligned to each Sample TagSample Tag sequencing amount
Pct_of_Raw_ReadsPercentage of Sample Tag reads aligned to each Sample TagSample Tag sequencing amount
Cells_CalledNumber of putative cells called for each Sample TagNumber of cells input and captured by cartridge workflow
Sample Tag sequencing amount
Pct_of_Putative_Cells_CalledPercentage of putative cells called for each Sample TagNumber of cells input and captured by cartridge workflow
Sample Tag sequencing amount
Raw_Reads_in_Called_CellsNumber of Sample Tag reads that are assigned to called cellsSample Tag sequencing amount
Mean_Reads_per_Called_CellAverage number of Sample Tag reads representing each called cellSample Tag sequencing amount